Due Diligence Consultation

Ensure your brand name is unique and safe for you to use.

We all know the importance of conducting due diligence searches to make sure our business, product or service name is unique before we launch into the wider world - but do you know what that actually means or how to do it?  You want to be sure you're not dancing on someone else's toes BEFORE you invest your time, money, emotion and energy in building a new business or product. Why cram yourself into a crowded space when you could be staking your claim on a space that is wholly your own?

Let me help you professionally and thoroughly investigate the name and/or logo you want to use, to make sure it is unique and original to you! We will look at both legal and practical issues and I will answer all your intellectual property questions along the way.

$440 AUD including GST for a 60 minute online call plus comprehensive report.
Here's how this consultation benefits you & your business:

Make sure your name is safe to use

Registering a trade mark gives someone the exclusive right to use a brand name in the country where it is registered. If you choose a name someone else has registered, they can force you to change it - and potentially claim damages from you - even if you didn't know they existed. That's why it's essential to check first!


Understand the market place

Even if a name is not registered, people may have been using it and built up a reputation that they have a right to protect as an unregistered trade mark. Other names are just "noisy" - hundreds of people are using them to promote their business, and you will need to work so much harder to be heard in the crowd. 


Showcase your uniqueness

I will help you research, brainstorm and pivot until we are certain that your business or product name is yours alone, and that it is worthy of the effort you plan to put into building a business, brand or other offering around it. 


Prepare for trade mark registration

At the end of the session, I will send you a comprehensive report, setting out the major issues we have identified in  our investigation. I also provide you with detailed information about the trade mark process, costs and considerations, so that when you are ready, you too can enjoy exclusive ownership of your brand.

When do you need this consultation?
  • before you invest in branding or rebranding your business
  • before you launch a new product or service which has a name you want to protect
  • as an essential first step when thinking about registering a trade mark
  • if you are preparing to expand your business into a new market
  • if you can't work out why you keep sabotaging your efforts to uplevel
By the end of the hour, we will have searched:
  • Australian trade mark databases
  • Global trade mark databases
  • business name registrations
  • multiple search engines
  • social media
  • online marketplaces (where relevant)
  • domain names
  • and more!

This is a 60 minute "Due Diligence Consultation" which costs AU$440 (invoiced after the consultation - 100% satisfaction guaranteed). We'll jump on zoom, I'll share my screen and together we will thoroughly and professionally research your business, product name and/or logo - if we find a problem, we will brainstorm alternatives. After the session I will send you a comprehensive report with lots of information about the trade mark process. This is an essential first step before launching a new name, and if you have been using your name or logo for a while, it can be a valuable discovery exercise. While we are talking, you can ask me any questions you have about choosing a great business name and making it exclusively your own, as it is the embodiment of your brand and business reputation.

If we do find any problems, I will advise you on the risks and likely impact of the clash on your business, and if necessary, help you brainstorm ways to pivot to a name that is unique and totally yours!


Michelle is super efficient and give me lots of confidence in the direction I should take with my brand name. I also got educated as I went through the due diligence search process.

Leona Reid

Life of Rhylee Designs

I chose Michelle to help me out with my due diligence on my business rebranding.  I knew I could trust her and it was actually quite enjoyable, with no legalese jargon!

Kate Kernick

Chrysalis Health & Wellbeing

Thank you to Michelle for her legal expertise in helping me understand how to trademark my podcast name. I learned so much!

Jacqueline Atkins

Biz Alchemy

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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