Bold Boundaries
A series of standalone DIY curiosity courses.
Wishy-washy boundaries got you feeling like a wet rag?
Wrung out, hung out, and strung out to dry?
Slave to the rhythm. Martyr to your cause.
Hold on there! It's time to press pause!
Stop the stress cycle by giving yourself the respect & honour that you deserve.
Many of us only stop and think about our boundaries when we are triggered by an uncomfortable situation that pushes all our panic buttons. Then we scramble to make reactive decisions without thinking through the consequences or identifying what is in the best interests of everyone involved. Our subconscious programming takes control, making choices that our higher selves might not agree with. Before we know it, those choices become our daily habits.
By making time to proactively investigate and improve your boundaries, you empower yourself to respond calmly and consciously when problems arise and to make decisions from a place of integrity and connection. Your brave and beautiful business boundaries need to embody your ideals for a business built on best practice. Imagine having the freedom to be dedicated to the service you are here to provide without sacrificing yourself in the process!
Choose from 20 essential boundaries for business owners
$55 each
Buy a bundle of 5 (choose which ones you want) for $220, or get unlimited access to all 20 for $880.
(All prices in Australian dollars & include GST)
A boundary is your soul's wish for you to take care of yourself.
Tracy Malone
Curiosity courses with a button are ready for you.
The rest are coming soon.
Sole Trader Sanity Check.
Clear & Calm Communication.
Receive Your Full Value.
Ethics & Integrity.
Target Your Vision.
Graceful Generosity.
Consistency & Routine.
Flexibility & Change.
Worries & Fears.
Obligations & Regulations.
Resolve Disputes Peacefully.
Be Your Authentic Self.
Complaints & Criticism.
Victim & Martyr Stories.
Refunds & Cancellations.
Responsibility as a Rescuer.
If you find the process of exploring your boundaries too confronting and difficult to do on your own, I am happy to work through them with you. For AU$440 (inc GST) we can spend an hour diving deep into whatever boundaries are causing you concern, work together to find options that will get them serving you better, and most importantly, come up with the wording to communicate your new boundary to those who need to know - without sounding mean or nasty.
What can you expect from these curiosity courses?
Gain insight into the importance of the boundary
Why does it matter and how is it affecting your life and business? Learn why it is worthy of your attention, how it impacts all areas of your life, and the consequences of neglecting it.
Assess the strengths & weaknesses of the boundary
Rate your actual practice in relation to each boundary using a fun, easy and practical scaling system - and then actively choose how you intend to improve that rating.
Explore how the boundary could better serve and support you
Explore how the boundary is playing out in your life in a holistic manner. How is it affecting you personally, emotionally, mentally, financially, physically and spiritually?
Take ownership of the boundary
Finish the course by taking strategic action with in-built accountability.
Sometimes, it's about standing in your power.
Renae Sauter
If you purchase a Bold Boundaries Curiosity Course and decide that it does not meet your needs, you have 8 hours to ask for a complete refund.
Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it.
You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.
Anna Taylor